Insights from the Breaking Barriers to Business (B3) Initiative
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Location Name
East M

In this session, we explore The Breaking Barriers to Business Initiative (B3), a 3-year project with the goal of accelerating meaningful transformations in entrepreneurial ecosystems that pose disproportionate systemic barriers. This unique partnership between Living Cities and Main Street America, with support from the Truist Foundation, has launched in five cities: Miami, Atlanta, Memphis, Nashville, and Charlotte. This initiative aims to ensure that business owners of color have equitable access to the knowledge and resources they need to launch, maintain, and expand their enterprises. The B3 team, local business-serving organizations, and government agencies will share insights from the first year, including how city governments are receiving the program, increased partnership opportunities to develop business-benefiting programs and incentives, and strategies developed locally to guarantee that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is equitable for business owners who identify as BIPOC.

Welcoming & Belonging, Supporting Entrepreneurs, Big City Focus
Alycia Levels-Moore
Session Type
75-Minute Classroom Session