Disaster Resiliency in our Main Streets
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Location Name
East M

This panel will feature four Main Street managers from across our national network – Montpellier, Vermont, Denham Springs, Louisiana, Miami, Florida, and Puerto Rico. These Main Street managers are at various stages of recovery from damaging hurricane, storm, and flooding events, and all are seriously considering what it means to prepare and reduce risk now for the next major event in their communities. Featuring research and insights that have grown out of Main Street America’s work with the National Park Service on disaster planning and recovery in Main Street districts and our CDBG-DR Whole Community Resiliency Planning work in Puerto Rico, the panelists will share practical steps and personal insights on how to plan, prepare, recover, and adapt so your districts can minimize risk and continue to thrive despite growing climate vulnerabilities and increased disaster occurrences of all types across our Main Streets.

Climate Resiliency, Connectivity through Civic Infrastructure, Leadership
Mileyka Burgos-Flores Manuel Ochoa Bethany Rogers
Session Type
75-Minute Classroom Session